Find Your Ultimate Work-Life Balance

career podiatry student Dec 08, 2022

Just graduated & about to enter the workforce?
Unhappy in your current role and can't figure out why?

This episode if for you!

In this extended episode Talysha answers a P3 Community question - "What's the ultimate new grad's work-life balance".

This episode isn't just for new graduates, it's for anyone who is looking for work or who may not be as happy in their workplace as they thought they would be.

Getting somewhat philosophical, Talysha gives an insightful rundown into the fundamental needs we have as employees that contribute to our feelings of work satisfaction and ultimately influence how engaged we are in the workplace.

Then we explore how we can use this information to find out what our ideal work-life balance is and how you can screen your prospective employers to get a better understanding if you're compatible with that organisation (before you're committed to a job that may not be for you!)

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