
Plantar Fasciopathy Rehabilitation Masterclass

Workshop & Online CPD Bundle
What Will I Learn?

Plantar Fasciopathy Rehabilitation Masterclass

Join the Progressive Podiatry Project for a highly practical, clinically relevant workshop covering the assessment & management of plantar fasciopathy - helping you get your clients from pathology to performance.

Clinical Assessment Practicals
Strapping Practicals
Exercise Practicals

We promise you'll leave with more knowledge, skills & confidence to formulate effective,
individualised rehabilitation programs for your clients suffering
Plantar Fasciopathy

This practical workshop is the live version of our industry-leading online course, the Plantar Fasciopathy Rehabilitation Masterclass

What Will I Learn?

Attendee Feedback (Adelaide, 2023)

"The PF rehabilitation masterclass was fantastic!
As an experienced clinician, I thought I had a pretty good understanding of the assessment and treatment for plantar heel pain.
However, this course gave me a whole new set of tools to use straight away in the clinic on Monday.
I particularly loved the practical nature of the course to clearly see links between clinical tests, diagnosis and available treatment options.
The small workshops to practise skills, such as taping and exercises, was also very beneficial"

Online Course Feedback

"The course was fantastic!
To be completely honest a bit of the theoretical parts were a bit hard to grasp, and I will have to rewatch a few modules to wrap my head around it, but that’s just me needing to increase my knowledge.

The more practical/clinical side was fantastic. It has changed the way I approach my consults and has given me a lot more confidence in my management plan.

I have also noticed a difference in the way my patients are responding to this also, and am finding they are leaving with a much better understanding/confidence than before.

It had been a bit of an adjustment given that it’s different to how we were taught at uni (100% focus on biomechanical factors and orthotics), but it is making so much more sense, and I feel I am going to get much better outcomes!

The resources have been very helpful as well."

Plantar Fasciopathy Rehabilitation Masterclass

Online CPD Bundle

 Upgrade your workshop registration to include lifetime access to the APodA-endorsed
online course - Plantar Fasciopathy Rehabilitation Masterclass


1 year access to the monthly CPD subscription 
GFM: Gait | Footwear | Movement

Total Value = $1252.90
Workshop Registration | $499 
Follow-up QnA | $85
Online Course | $479
12 Month CPD Subscription | $189.90 
SAVE $553.90

Workshop attendees gain access to rehab gifts & exclusive discounts thanks to our good friends over at Fasciitis Fighter & Altra

Upcoming Dates & Locations

Melbourne - June 23rd, 2024

12 Places Remaining

Melbourne is the only confirmed PFRMC workshop for 2024 at this stage.

Melbourne, Vic
Early Bird Registrations Close in









PFRMC - Live (Melbourne)

June 23rd 2024

$499 (inc GST)
PFRMC - Live (Melbourne) + Online CPD Bundle

June 23rd 2024

$699 (inc GST)

Early Bird Registration

SAVE 15%

Enter Code: PFMLBEARLY24

Already a particpant of the Plantar Fasciopathy Rehabilitation Masterclass or Exercise Therapies in Podiatric Practice online courses and want to attend?

Online course participants qualify for workshop discounts.

Email [email protected] to register your interest and obtain your discount.

Interested in Other Dates & Locations?

Register Your Interest

Keen to attend a future workshop?
Let us know who you are & where you're from, so you'll be notified about future dates and locations.